The Kind to Kill, Tessa Wegert

Nothing is more intriguing than the charades that occur on Pirate Week in A-Bay.  Tessa's latest novel boasts full on intrigue and captivating curiosity.

An excerpt from Chapter Two:

The air in downtown Alexandria Bay was so humid I could have wrung it out like a sodden towel, and it was a relief to sink into the arctic chill of the Village of Alexandria Bay PD. A squat tan building with a colossal antenna punching into the sky, the place looked like a cross between a radio station and a doomsday bunker, but at least it had A/C.

We’d had record highs for close to a week now, and for some, that was cause for concern. In four days, A-Bay would fill up with visitors from across the northeast, barrel-chested dads in baseball caps and raucous couples in their twenties clogging the streets of the town. They came for Pirate Days, the annual celebra­tion of nineteenth-century smuggler and ‘river pirate’ Bill Johnston that drew more than a thousand spectators, many from across the border in Ontario. It was part historical reenactment, part renaissance fair, and it brought the tourists in droves. The wigs were heavy, the costumes constricting, and here we were in the middle of a heatwave.
‘That’s all we need,’ Tim had said a few days ago while wincing at the weather app on his phone. ‘Pirate week is the busiest of the whole summer. Folks can’t afford to lose that income.’
The Kind to Kill, Tessa Wegert book cover